

窄巷公司, 景观 Services, New England

由Ron Goode于2009年创立, 窄巷公司 not only designs and creates beautiful outdoor spaces, but represents a community dedicated to fostering a better quality of life. Behind the scenes of the company’s portfolio of stunning landscapes is a diverse and passionate team that has made it all possible. 

“We’ve all come from different areas of expertise,古德说。, 谁是从金融界起家的, and later initiated the company during his pursuit of an MBA at Boston College. What began as a landscape maintenance service evolved into something more as Goode collaborated with mentors and built a team of experts with diverse skill sets. His careful efforts to curate a team with complementary strengths has set the foundation for the company’s flourishing present and bright future.

过去一年, 杰里米Puz, 有石工背景, 和艾莉森·威廉姆斯, 艺术家兼画家, have stepped into pivotal roles as landscape designers and project managers. “Jeremy brings an owner’s mentality and mindset, and an attention to detail that has carried us into a different tier of installation work,古德解释道. “I was looking for a designer with an artist’s background, and Alison has been a tremendous asset to the team,古德说。. Williams’ creative contributions have transformed traditional AutoCAD designs into personalized and detailed artistic representations of each client’s vision. 起草小组, 由费尔南多·巴蒂斯塔管理, adds beautiful 3D renderings to complete the design package, allowing the client to fully visualize the potential of their property. 

窄巷公司, 景观 Services, New England

Puz and Williams were also brought on board to elevate the customer experience, ensuring that clients not only receive a beautifully crafted outdoor space but also a seamless and enjoyable process. “Customer experience is a huge part of where we’ve grown and put effort in this year, and is a catapult for where we want to go in the future,Puz解释道. 

可接近性是他们的方法不可或缺的一部分, and cultivating genuine connections with clients and work crews is essential. “Building relationships is key whether a project is large or small,” says Williams. “Constant communication and adaptability are essential.”

怀着共同的愿景不断改进, 还有一个支持性的工作环境, the sky's the limit for the team at 窄巷公司. “All of us are constantly striving to reach a higher level, and are critical of what we do and how we can improve it,威廉姆斯分享道. Working within timeframes and budgets is no small feat, 但窄巷却靠它繁荣起来, with each step of the process serving to deliver an enhanced experience for all involved. 

The heart of 窄巷公司 beats with a mission beyond just creating aesthetically pleasing landscapes. “Our mission is to not just create beautiful landscapes, but to create a culture that allows both the people that work here and the client to have a better quality of life,古德清晰地说, sharing that this mantra stems from the belief that lasting memories are made in outdoor spaces. As 窄巷公司 celebrates 15 years this March, the dedicated team is thrilled to continue carving out their niche, 为整体设定标准, 以人为本的景观设计方法.

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